Fly Fishing the West Series

On May 14, 1804 Lewis and Clark and what has come to be known as the Corp of Discovery set out from St. Louis, Missouri headed for the Pacific Ocean. It turned out to be an epic journey uncovering the beauty and majesty of the American West. One major reason for the huge success and notoriety of the journey is the fact that Meriwether Lewis and others kept meticulous journals of their daily experiences. In this spirit of the adventure and trying my best to record these experiences, Fly Fishing the West has become a series of reports and pictures summarizing fishing trips I have made beginning in Nov. 2008. The purpose of the series is to provide some hopefully useful information to the reader for future reference, should an opportunity come to visit any of these locations. (Note—The summaries include more information that just about fishing. This lends credence to the notion attributed to Henry David Thoreau that, 'A man may fish his entire life before he realizes that, what he is trying to catch, is not fish at all...')

Rainbow Trout

Rainbow Trout
Caught by Tyson Lower Provo River

Monday, September 5, 2011

Lower Provo River--August 8, 12 2011 w/Larry, Dale

Fly Fishing the West
Vol. 26, Issue 1
August 8,12, 2011
Lower Provo River, Provo Canyon, Utah

Monday, August 8, 2011—I arrived at the Lower Provo River at about 4:00 pm above the railroad ‘trestle’ about 5 miles below the Deer Creek Reservoir. I parked in at the wide, sweeping curve parking area and hiked down to the stream about 200 yards below what we call “Moose Bend”. The weather was sunny and warm. I fished the rapids behind a rock in the middle of the stream. I tried nymphing ‘Tyson method’ with several flies with no luck. I switched to a size 14 ‘silver spider’ (a fly Tyson ties—a silver body and some soft hackle) and hooked a fish immediately. I worked him all the way in and he ran right back out using the swift current. I got him in a second time but the line snagged up on a small tree clump of branches out in the bottom of the stream. I waded out as far as I could go and was able to reach and net him under the water. It turned out to be a 17” brown trout. I left at 6 pm.

Friday, August 12, 2011—I, Tyson, Dale and Larry (Dale’s brother who did not fish) arrived at the Lower Provo River at about 6:15 am at the railroad ‘trestle’ about 5 miles below the Deer Creek Reservoir. We hiked downstream of the trestle on the north side of the stream about ½ mile and fished what we call ‘Jason’s Run’. The weather was sunny but cool. Dale and I fished nymphing with a strike indicator. Tyson fished with a streamer above and below us. I caught a 15” fat, pretty rainbow on the size 14 ‘silver spider’ fly described above. I then hooked two more similarly sized fish on a size 18 flashback midge. One I got all the way to the milfoil next to the shore then lost him. The other fish jumped about 2 feet out of the water then flipped the hook. Tyson had two fish on but did not get them in as well.

(Dale is a good friend from southern California and is just learning how to fly fish. He went out earlier in the week with a guide and caught several fish. I guess that tells me how good a guide I am since he did not catch any fish with me….I knew I should have had Tyson help him…..oh well.)
We left at 8 am.
Other Miscellaneous Information/Observations:

1. On August 8 there were a lot of rafters coming down the river. Wading, I worried little about getting hit by a raft out of control so I was constantly glancing upstream to avoid getting hit. Other than this, rafters don’t bother the fishing at all.

2. Fishing August 8 I noticed now on the other side of the stream is a ZIP-LINE with people zooming across the face of the mountain.

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